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Press release 04 October 2022

Head of the Press Service Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan Leyla Abdullayeva, answers the question of the local mass media

Question: Some Western officials make statements and calls regarding the videos on social media networks that are presented as war crimes allegedly committed by the Azerbaijan Armed Forces. We would like to know your position regarding this issue.
Answer: Regarding the videos circulating on the internet, we reacted with an official statement to and brought our position to Armenian MFA which accused the Azerbaijani side of war crimes.
Military Prosecutor's Office of Azerbaijan made a statement on the start of an investigation regarding the videos spread on social media networks. We would like to emphasize that this investigation was not initiated in response to any appeals, but within Azerbaijan's meticulous approach to its international obligations.
Coming to the appeals made by some Western countries: What kind of appeals these entities have made in connection with the numerous war crimes committed by Armenia during the 30 years, as well as during the 44-day war of 2020, regarding the investigation of these crimes and the punishment of the perpetrators? Why do they ignore the fact that Armenian made landmines are still killing civilians in Azerbaijan? Don't they consider planting landmines in the territory of another country as a war crime when military operations are not going on? The military and political leadership of Armenia is unequivocally responsible for up to 250 landmine victims, the vast majority of whom are civilians. Not a single person has been brought to justice in Armenia for the numerous war crimes and crimes against humanity that have been committed since the beginning of the 90s and are still ongoing. 

If those calling on Azerbaijan want to demonstrate impartiality and a fair position, they should approach the issue comprehensively and demand to investigate the numerous crimes committed by Armenia so far, and to hold the perpetrators accountable before the law. Otherwise, this is nothing more than a one sided statement made as a result of Armenian propaganda.

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